The changing international political, economic and structural conditions, along with recent and revived multifarious coalitions and alignments of nations, give rise to a new strategic era in a multi-polar world. The emergence of multi-dimension coalitions, new alignments, currency war, disparity in wealth, competitive devaluation, benthic warfare, impact of external interests on internal politics etc., delineate new dynamics in the International System and Maritime Domain. These developments may erode confidence to the international and economic equilibrium, providing effects to Security at Sea. A prudential and punctual management of strategic priorities, will emphasize the sense of stability, thus leading Maritime Power, as seen from a global perspective, for making selective, timely and optimum use of Hard, Soft and Smart Power capabilities, to ensure Security at Sea. An incompatible Model of Social, Political, Intellectual, Religious, Economic, Military (SPIREM) aspects doesn’t facilitate the strategic results of desired aim and vision of the new coalitions. Policymakers have to confront the question to what extent changes and adversity will impose drastic adjustments to strategic logic and national and alliance strategies implementation. History teaches that great castles fall from within.