P.D. Chinofotis, Admiral (ret) Hellenic Navy, former Chief of Defence, born in Athens in 1949. He has graduated from the Hellenic Naval Academy and Naval War College as well as from the US Naval War College (NCC-1989). In 1990, he earned a Master Degree in International Relations from Salve Regina University, R.I., USA. In the national parliamentary elections of 2007 elected State Deputy and MP, and he was then appointed Deputy Minister of Interior. He has been a member of the Parliamentarian Permanent Committee for Foreign Affairs and National Defence. He is a member of the Council for International Relations-GR. In the context of GREECE 2021/FORUM-2040, he was the coordinator and participant of the Academic teamwork elaborating the issue "Capabilities i.o.t. enhance, highlight and ensure the soft power of Greece"